Young orphans in need

Help for young orphans in need

Program: "At the Crossroads"

Location: Russia

The statistics in Russia state that out of 10 young people leaving an orphanage (care leaver), only one finds his or her way in life. The remaining 9 end up drinking alcohol, taking drugs, committing crimes, going to prison and committing suicide.

How do we as a society want to change this? We help young care leaver who are in need, e.g. by contributing to the costs of food and shelter, legal aid and counseling in crisis situations, support for pregnant women and young mothers. Help us to help!

Some examples of our aid missions:

Project completed

Young father Andrej

Andrej from Moscow became a young father at the age of 18. His son Maxim is only 3 months old. Unfortunately, Maxim's mom left the family and the baby stayed with the  father. This is not an easy task for a teenager who himself lived a large part of his childhood in an orphanage. Maxim's grandma helps partly with the care, but she currently does not have an easy living situation either.

We want to support the little family and contribute to the costs for baby food and care products for 3 months.

507  of 500 Euro  collected

    Maxim was born premature. However, you can hardly recognize the former weak baby in this sweet boy. The young dad has learned to take good care of his child. He feeds him baby food, knows how to relieve tummy aches, and calls his son "my little lucky charm."

    Andrei is actually still a student. He has temporarily dropped out of classes. First, he had difficulties in school and now, as a single father, he no longer has time for it. At the same time, he is trying to work at a part-time job. Because of the pandemic, he has only a few orders.

    We are not trying to turn Andrej into a hero and we know that not everything has been smooth in his life so far. This is exactly the problem of many young people in Russia who grew up in an orphanage - infantility as well as difficulties in organizing their lives in a meaningful way. They make many mistakes before they are really grown up. 

    However, as a dad Andrei has shown a good side, he takes care of his child, and this deserves respect. "With Maxim's birth I started to believe in myself and that I can achieve more", - Andrej says and he is really trying hard there.

    We want to support the boys and contribute to the cost of baby food, diapers, and baby care products. We want to collect 500 euros for this purpose. This amount is enough for three months of necessities for the baby. As a matter of principle, we do not hand out any cash to the young people; the purchase and delivery are organized by our local project companion.

  • Updates

    • 11.02.2021: Project started.
    • 15.02.2021: The first accumulated partial amount of 300 euros was transferred to the project companion on site so that she can already buy diapers and baby food.
    • 16.02.2021: We have collected 507 euros. Thank you very much for your donations!
    • 23.03.2021: The second installment of 201.50 euros was transferred to the project partner on site, and the remaining 5.50 euros was used for PayPal fees.

    The project has been successfully completed, thank you very much for your help!

  • Report

Donate for other young people

If the donation proceeds exceed the amount of the designated funds for the selected project, we ask for your understanding, we use these funds to cover the transaction fees as well as for other aid projects.

Project completed

Supporting the young mother Kristina

Kristina is 17 years old, she grew up in a children's home in Tomsk Oblast, Russia. Kristina became a mother at a young age and is currently raising her 8-month-old son Vova.

Officially Kristina is married, however, her marriage failed. Fearing for herself and her child`s safety, Kristina had to leave her husband, who abused alcohol and committed domestic violence. She moved with her child from the village to the city. We want to support the little family and contribute to the costs of food and care.

518,53  of 500 Euro  collected

    Due to the birth of her child, Kristina had to temporarily interrupt her further education. However, she remains brave, because her most important task at the moment is to take care of her baby, whom she loves very much.

    Kristina is on a waiting list to receive her own apartment from the state as a young orphan adult. Unfortunately, the waiting times for this are very long and until then she lives with her child in a rented apartment. The largest part of the state aid is spent on rent so that the small family is financially very limited at the moment.

    We want to support the young mother, who is trying very hard to bridge this difficult time and give her and her baby everything they need. We would like to collect 500 euros, this amount is enough to buy food, baby food, and care products for Kristina and Wowa for 4 months. The assistance and appropriate reporting will be done through Kristina's caregiver, who supports the young woman in the framework of a Russian non-profit project called "Mentor for little mom".

  • Updates

    • 23.12.2020: Project started.
    • 28.12.2020: The first accumulated partial amount of 190 euros was transferred to the project supervisor on site so that she can already buy the living and care products.
    • 10.01.2021: We have collected  518,53 euros. Thank you very much for your donations!
    • 29.01.2021:Second part amount of 190 Euro to the project supervisor on site.
    • 02.03.2021: The third installment of 128 Euro to the project supervisor on site, the remaining 10.53 Euro was used for PayPal fees.

    The project has been successfully completed, thank you very much for your help!

  • Report

Donate for other young people

If the donation proceeds exceed the amount of the designated funds for the selected project, we ask for your understanding, we use these funds to cover the transaction fees as well as for other aid projects.

Donate for the Project "At the Crossroads"

Please support our project "Door to the Future" with a one-time or monthly donation! The small but regular and permanent donations help us to react quickly and flexibly to the current educational and support needs of teenagers and adolescents and to plan our help in the long term.

It is possible to use the following payment methods:PayPal oder Banküberweisung.
Thank you very much for your help!

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